In my opinion, there are no rules for meditation. The one and only feature in a meditation session is losing one’s track of time, because essentially in that lost time we are in touch with our soul. Losing track of one’s time, we are spending time with our soul instead of our ego.
As a Medium, I have learned there is no time in the World of the Unseen. Time is a human-made tool. So when we daydream, zone out with beautiful music or memory or activity, we are with our soul, and being with our soul is the true essence of meditation.
That said, human life is challenging right now. We are all living in stressful environments laden with the breaking down of the old systems and a slow rebuilding of new systems. It feels like we are out of control, free-falling every day into life with unknown consequences. It is so important to focus on the now and surround ourselves with heart-filled activities as much as we can to stay connected to our souls.
I find myself writing a lot this week about anxiety-reducing activities such as Square Breathing or coin passing to lower my anxiety and find my zone again. It is sometimes an hour-by-hour process. https://www.shirleyriga.com/stress-relief
So I encourage you for the next fifteen minutes today to allow yourself to zone out while enjoying the buoying energy of this community. Each one of us is worth the effort of comfort and care. Let us celebrate our souls together.