I’m sprouting.
Something I’ve wanted to do for a while
Taking hard lentils and watch them
Come alive with life.
I did my research and created my intention
Emptied the hard disks into a jar
As they pinged and bounced
like marbles sinking into water
I trusted their reaction
As they sat in water for 24 hours
I invited them to change
And they listened
Sprouting requires daily monitoring,
Rinsing and trusting
Sometimes a need to shake
To encourage them to grow
Within 48 hours I have a
Jar full of squiggles and balls
Chewable and tasty
Ready for a recipe
I can feel like a bag of beans
Unchanging, dry and stuck
In complacency until I am
Shaken and get a good drink
Sometimes it’s self-care
Sometimes it’s another’s urging
Sometimes I hit a wall
Sometimes it’s from purging
The sprouting time of a human
Takes longer than a bean
It’s taken years for me to
Realize the patience I need
I wonder if a lentil uses patience to wait
For the blooming of the life it creates
From the attention of gave it by just adding water
And waiting in trust in its becoming.
You will move through life,
Through the mistakes,
The failures and the falls,
The judgements and the seeping wounds.
You will move through life,
In the most astounding way,
And find greatness in your grief,
That often stole your heart away.
Keep walking through,
For so blessed are your feet,
That flow with the touch of Angels,
Beneath the surface of what you see,
You are protected sweetheart,
Shielded by love,
There is nothing you cannot work through,
Nothing you cannot overcome
Participants’ Reflections
I loved the lentils description and the work they do. I recently learned about short-lived perennials. Insects and animals have figured out how to exist. Humans are still trying to figure it out and learn how to exist in peace.
Thank you for the metaphor of sprouting. I am doing more outdoor work by necessity. It feels good being outside. I’ve discovered some burning bush plants in my yard. It is a beautifully-artistic plant which glows in the autumn light. I am focusing on plants when my daughter is not around and enjoying the time.
In the meditation yesterday, we spoke about finding joy in the day. We went on an outing, first time in three months, and spent the day in joy by the ocean, watching the birds and water and boats. Grateful for this group and I keep the reflections in my mind all day.
I have a lot of patience but it takes energy. I wish I had it for myself. But where’s the dividing line between patience with myself and being a slacker?
Loving ourselves in gentle ways takes practice.
The lentil process is me, getting shook up. The poem comforted me. I always thought life was a certain way. I had to relearn so much. My thinking can be distorted, and I’m more aware of that now. Being gentle with myself is important.
During the meditation, I started thinking about what are the conditions for growing closer to oneself. It takes warmth, softness, and daily attentiveness.
I thought of the word balance in order to sprout. My morning walk was uncomfortable because the sun was lower and at a harsh angle. So I looked at the clouds in order to find a balance. What I heard in the reading was the message that in order to sprout, there needs to be a balance.
Seeds in the ground in the winter time are in a place where there seems to be no life. But there is the great potential for life. It is up to us and nature to bring it forth.
I see each of us as a well feeding our dry beans this morning.
This meditation time is a gift where we take time to reflect.
It gives me so many perspectives. It’s a nice anchor.
We share with honesty. It’s a comfort to be with trust and comfort
There is authenticity being shared here.