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Trance Healing Medium

Week 1 of Sitting in the Power - Building a House Within

Writer: Shirley RigaShirley Riga

Updated: Sep 7, 2024

Thank you for joining me today, Saturday, August 31st, 2024, as I commence my public practice of Sitting in the Power.

My guides speak of sitting in silence as a practice of building a house within. Erecting a place of refuge where we can go and find peace, comfort and love. Creating a refuge within helps us deal with daily stress and challenges in our lives. In my experience…

·     Silence has allowed me to know what I want because I am finally listening. 

·     Silence exposes my bully within so I can sit down and have a heart to heart.

·     Silence is a gift that keeps on giving.

·     Silence helps me make heart-centered choices.

·     Silence becomes fuller with practice.

·     Silence is the key to filling my inner void.

By sitting in silence, I make space to expand beyond my human stories, and explore other dimensions. My heart is where my compassion and gratitude live. In fact, compassion and gratitude are the fuel that keeps this part of me alive, lush with expectancy knowing anything is possible.

In my past I was not able to find solace within. I dwelled on all my worries, fears and relived heart-wrenching stories of loss and grief.

By your participation in community, we honor our silence together 15 minutes at a time. Feel free to practice on other days if you choose, starting at 5 minutes and onward. It does get easier.

I will keep track of the time and will let you know when 15 minutes is up. Feel free to shut off your video and make sure you are muted. Once we are done, we will regroup to briefly share and answer any questions. Namaste!



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