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Trance Healing Medium

Our Feet Hold a Message

by Shirley

by Shirley Riga

Our soles carry our souls

Years ago a woman came to me for a reading

A stranger I sat with

And I’ll never forget the message

About her feet

Most all of us are born with little feet

So innocent and soft

Uncalloused by the weight of life

Our feet accompany us

On our life’s journey

Standing as witness to our decisions

Our loves, our losses

Our choices and our demands

We make decisions

And our feet comply

We enjoy celebrations

And our feet comply

We mourn losses

And our feet comply

Our feet keep us in the present

Our feet ground us to the earth

Maybe ten years pass

And I see the woman again

With astonishment

she remembers her message

Her feet

She shares her journey

Unknown to her at the time

She walked the slave trail

With her feet

The journey changed her life

As her feet carried her

Complying with her decision

To remember the pain of her people

Bless our feet

here to serve

On our path; on our journey

Keep your eyes on your own feet

Keep your attention on your path

Just as one walks the labyrinth

Our path is our path

Our choice is our choice

Silly message you might say

My feet are my feet

They won’t go away

But once focus is distracted

By other’s feet

We’ve stepped out of the now

Into the judgment game

With eyes down

And breath steady

Gaze at your feet

And feel the alignment

your soul is in your soles


  • I used to walk the bike path in Santa Monica and learned to keep my eyes on my own feet, to hear my own heart and my thoughts. Otherwise, I see others, what they have, what they are doing, and I judge myself. I also walked the rails at Auschwitz, also to ‘remember the pain of my people.’ I kept my eyes on the path.

  • Thank you for this reminder. Fear-false evidence appearing real. I need to be looking at myself, do what I need to do, do dishes. Stay in present moment.

  • I liked the last line “my soul is in my soles”. I am grateful for my temple, my body. I can’t remember the last time I thought of my feet. I take for granted that my feet will work. I am grateful for my feet. It is important to stay in your own lane. I am grateful for the gifts I have. Yesterday, I cut my toenails, which is a hard feat for me since my double hip replacement. And I did it.

  • I meditated with the awareness of my feet. It was grounding. My anxiety level has been increasing as my life is starting to get complicated again with activities, and I am grateful for this grounding.

  • It helps us, taking these moments for the practice of silence

  • I loved the reading. I love the Serenity Prayer. As I thought of what you said, I could feel the serenity to accept the things I cannot change--these are my little feet that have carried me where I've been; the courage to change the things I can—using my feet to take me where I need to go; and the wisdom to know the difference—where I’ve been and where I’m going

  • I thought about small kids under three years old who can’t just walk, they bounce and stagger. They are learning how to come to terms with their feet. I hike in a heavily wooded area, with many roots. If I don’t keep my attention on my feet, I’ll trip

  • I remember being in therapy with an energy worker who worked on my body at the same time as I talked. When she got to my feet, she told me how these feet carried me from birth through all life’s ups and downs. They hold memory.

  • When I walk a labyrinth, I have to look at my feet; it keeps me grounded and present. Our souls are in our feet and so are the rest of our bodies. This is the basis of foot reflexology. Taking care of feet is important.

  • I meditated on following my own path. Our feet let us stand on what we believe.

  • I have a magnet that says “Stand your ground, it is sacred.”

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