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Trance Healing Medium


by Shirley


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Ready set go


Chin up, eyes forward


With Determination

Courage is found in my breath

Determination is found in my vision

Focus is found in my faith

In a desire to rise

Something inside so strong

A knowing of worth

A feeling of trueness

A belief in my right

My small voice used to obey

Its belief I was less than

My smallness bought into my invisibility

My body believed I didn’t count

My breath believed it had no space

Until there was no room for me

Chin up, eyes forward

Fake it til you make it

I am safe and loved

I am filled with unlimited value

I am confident and strong

Affirmations became my voice

Visions became my goals

My breath became bigger

My eyes hold my truth

My breath holds my worth

My body holds my confidence

My spirit rises in my focus

I am whole and complete just as I am

I live with the expectancy I am enough

I have everything I need

I am


  • I had worse nightmare of my life last night, and then I woke up to snow in May. I loved the aspirational statements. I see them being said in all the cars of the little engine who could

  • Yesterday was a bad day; my cousin passed away, suddenly from a cancer that got out of hand. It’s hard that I can’t be with family. This message of courage is what I needed. I am also reliving my husband’s passing.

  • This time is ripe to open that door. I suggest doing a ritual to honor our passed loved ones

  • Picked up a collage card of my late husband and I holding each other. In the meditation, heard the word “together” and I realized I don’t have to stand next to him to feel his support. I then had an image of three braids being wove together—courage, faith, wisdom.

  • I can see this image

  • The affirmations were great, each one something to think about. The theme reminded me of a poem about courage.

  • I will need courage to walk through the surgery I am having on my face in a month. I have a supportive surgeon and I have compartmentalized the event so that I don’t need sorrow for me. We may need other people to lead these meditations that week. I honor the courage in all of you.

  • My core issue is invisibility. And it’s really up for me in these difficult times of not being out there, of wearing masks when we are. We are not seeing people. I honor all of us walking through this. This sheltering in place is allowing me to face my core issue. Thank you for honoring us as courageous

  • I am woman. I had head courage, then I learned heart courage, and then I learned gut courage. I am not invisible. I had face surgery last year and then double hip surgery. I got through it with my faith. I am. I am god. I am a child of god. God is beyond finite. I can do anything, I am courageous one minute at a time. I learned to be my own advocate. And more importantly, to be true to myself. I was invited to a family gathering for Mother’s Day tomorrow. After thinking about it, I decided I'm not going because they are lax around staying safe. I am taking care of self without it being a gut-wrenching decision as it would have in the past.

  • Every step we take is courage

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