Thinking of Angels
by Shirley Riga
Thinking about angels today
Recalling 14 years ago
No wings no halo
He emerged as a survivor
Of a fatal accident
Of my spouse
Broken bones
And heart wide open
He reached out to console the family
I pushed back to the stranger
His consistency warmed my pain
The door was opened
His name is George
Caring, loving, thoughtful, surviving George
His eyes witnessed Lizzie’s last words
His heart shared the moment
His presence soothed my heart
His body healed
My heart healed
His life changed
My life opened
He became a hospice worker
I was shaken
by my awareness of an angel
His meaning of life widened
His gratitude deepened
Thawed the ice of my wounds
Our hearts grew
We are spirit siblings – brother/sister
The conduit was Lizzie
For the emergence of my angel
Life is fluid
Breath in
Breath out
Two sides of a coin
Good bad
Joy pain
Ebb flow
Loss gain
We grow
Denial and awaken
Always a journey
Always learning
Our transition is part of the journey
For the ebb and flow of our being
In gratitude for our angels
Chance encounters change our lives. Thank you for the gift of this story about how George came into your life and how both your lives changed as a result. It’s a reminder how we all do that for each other.
I appreciate the angels in my life and my spirit guides around me. I thank the larger world that holds us.
A gift to ourselves, honoring ourselves. Want to honor a client in assisted living. He is a kind gentle man, an angel. I am grateful to the angels in my life.
My French teacher is now in assisted living and we still write to each other. She sent a card with a rainbow in the picture. It reminds me of angels.
Ten years ago, my husband got a lung transplant from an angel. I am grateful for the gift of life received and how long it sustained him.
My daughter is named after two angels, my father and friend (my soulmate). Yesterday, I got a call from a woman I didn’t know and I shared how I got through past hard times. She reminded me that if I got through all that, I can get through this very hard time in my life. Such a positive person, an angel.
You have community around you to help you get through this
It is hard to feel emotions, but they are real emotions that are from our hearts and are genuine. That's truth.
When we say a prayer, we are an angel.
During the meditation, I had goosebumps in crown chakra; to me, that’s experiencing an angel
This reading today is my truth