Today is about surrender. We are on a journey within ourselves where the path is only visible at our feet. There is speculation and opinions. There is updates and more speculation. The truth is what we know is where we are right now. We are learning to be friends with ourselves. We are learning to remember our self-care. We are learning to honor our needs for they are the barometer of our sorrows or joys. I found this poem that depicts our journey into surrender.
Feeling Frantic in a Peaceful World by Peter Morgan
"All around me is still.
But not I.
I vibrate,
I pulsate.
Out of control
The more I spiral
The worse I feel.
I am the storm.
The quiet streets
Only serve to amplify
The indignity
Of being
Frantic in a peaceful world.
I fear my panic might spread!
Cast me aside,
I am not what the world needs
Right now."
"A momentary connection
To my feet
Comes as an unexpected,
but welcome,
A hint to what lies beneath.
How can I best meet myself
In this tumultuous moment of being?
Maybe, I can
Embrace this place.
It is here.
Let me feel it.
If I allow my shoulders to drop
And let my breath breathe,
As best it is able.
Perhaps then there is space
For my energy to dissipate.
My heart palpitating,
I glance up,
As if my tired eyes
Have opened for the first time.
Through the window,
I see two pigeons,
Statue still,
Casually surveying the world.
Perhaps I too can sit
And take in what is around me
And my inner rhythm
Will synchronise
With the sights before my eyes.
A sigh.
A pause.
I see through pigeon eyes.
Like a snow-globe,
Once shook now still,
My inner flurry
Drifts down to my feet
And settles on the ground."
Participants’ Reflections:
Soaring hawk. Being protected under wings
Snow globe image, settling at feet
Lack of trust left me jittery. Glad for awareness of this Feel like on hamster wheel, not doing anything; like Joni Mitchell song going round and round
Can do grounding between activities, with fingers pressed together, helps stop wheel spinning
Anxiety shopping, hard to trust
Think about pausing before moving to next thing
Don't need to rush
Our nervous systems are recalibrating, unwinding the drive
Our bodies are affected by our thoughts
Grateful for these mornings to reflect