How does one connect with their guide?
by Shirley
We encourage you first to let go of knowing a name, for your connection is through your heart.
Your guide is your special relationship.
We encourage you to sit in silence with the intention of meeting your guide.
It’s very easy for the human mind to step in and start trying to figure out what is seen and what is heard.
As you practice sitting in silence with intention, relax into the stillness.
As your mind tries to figure out what is happening, gently come back to the silence.
Know your light body and your human body are aligning with your intention.
It is a recalibration of a sorts. It takes time, patience. There is no failing.
Imagine you are surrounded with a loving, accepting presence.
There is nothing you have to do but hold intention. You are perfect just as you are.
Every opportunity you sit in silence, sense this loving presence.
As you repeat this practice, you will notice familiar feelings, senses, sounds.
Guides, angels and all loving presence comes in gently, loving and subtly.
You deserve to receive the loving presence of your guide.