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Trance Healing Medium


Spiritual Mediumship Reading

Join me as I open the door to Spirit and bring in loved ones from the other side. Feel comfort by receiving validation from loved ones giving you unique evidence that they are truly at your side. Get insights into unresolved aspects of your relationships with them. Receive inspiration from your guides and light beings. Allow yourself to feel that you do not walk alone in this world. Support and guidance are there for the asking. Learn how to ask and how to listen. (one hour)

Reiki Healing Session

I begin a Reiki healing session in an altered state of consciousness as I blend with my healing guides and physicians in Spirit. I direct Reiki and sound healing as vibrational forms of healing. Divine energy can be directed to you virtually or in person, as it assists your body in its natural healing ability.  If there are specific physical ailments, focus can be given to them, but the Reiki healing goes where it is most needed for your highest and best good. Recipients often report an increased sense of comfort, warmth and easing of pain. (available for one-half hour or one hour)


People come to me when they need direction, when they need understanding or are searching for deeper meaning. I am trained as a compassionate listener who connects with people at their Soul level. New perspectives gained from this coaching and mentoring prepare one for next steps. Find new directions and become more fully present in your life. (available one-half hour or one hour)

Trance Healing Disclaimer

Trance healing and sound healing as well as Reiki are  considered alternative, complementary approaches and do not replace the need for traditional medical care through your physician or licensed professional. You should not stop, add, or change any medication or traditional treatment, without the advice, consent and direction of your physician. You are advised to seek the care of a licensed professional for any physical, mental or emotional concerns.

The sessions I offer are complementary to healing arts and services licensed or regulated by the state of Massachusetts.

The choices you make and the actions you take are solely your responsibility.  You agree to completely hold harmless and absolutely indemnify Shirley Riga from any and all liabilities and expenses.


“Shirley Riga is by far and wide one of the most magical humans I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. Just remarkable and I am so pleased she was paired with my lovely client for her time on hospice.” Hospice RN

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